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Writer: Lana StanleyLana Stanley

Your twin flame is not with you at birth. Most of the time, when you first encounter your twin flame, he or she is either married or in a romantic relationship with someone else.

It could or could not be a very hard situation for you because it is not necessary that you can recognise your twin flame right away. When your twin flame is with someone else, you can see this picture from so many different perspectives.

What’s Your Status?

There are instances when two couples meet, and they both ended their marriages and tied the knot with each other’s spouses. When you meet your twin flame for the first time, there’s a possibility that you are in a relationship as well.

What’s the Benefit of Being with Someone Else?

When your twin flame is with someone else, it could be beneficial for you both. Soulmates or karmic relationships are there to teach you valuable life lessons. With every separation, you are learning something new and important. Your learning will mould your soul and make you a better person.

Remember your foolishness during your first date? But, in the next one, you did better than before, and the story goes on. So is the case with the relationships. You don’t repeat the same mistakes again and again. Your twin flame is also learning a lot from the current relationship.

Is It a Happy Marriage?

Most of the time, the answer is no. Twin flame relationships nurture souls, but when you don’t feel your twin flame around, you don’t know how it feels. Many people have trapped their souls in a cage of unhappy marriage.

They feel sad and gloomy from the inside, but they keep going because they don’t see any other positive option. All this negativity is engulfing them till they meet their twin flame. The connection sparks the positivity in them, and they will learn to live a happy life again.

Love is Constructive:

Love is never damaging. It is not a bad thing, and it is good for the body, brain and soul. If your twin flame seems happy with someone, let them be happy. Let them enjoy the love.

But on the union with your twin flame, never blame them for anything because when they initiated their love relationship, you were not around. It could also be their soulmate relationship. Twin flame relationship is not the only union that has love in it.

What Should You Do When Your Twin Flame Is With Someone Else?

You can do so many things:

  • Never give hope of being happy

  • Don’t feel bad about their relationship

  • You can also nourish your soul in the meantime by finding a soulmate

  • Other than marriage, you two can remain together and take the benefit of the presence of each other

  • For the journey of the soul, marriage or romantic relationship is not the only road

  • Your soul will attract towards your twin flame, and if he or she is in an unhappy relationship, it will end eventually, and you two will unite to achieve the higher goals

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