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Writer's picture: Lana StanleyLana Stanley

It’s no secret that finding hair in one’s food can be an upsetting experience, but did you know it may also have a deeper spiritual meaning?

Finding hair in one’s food can often symbolize many things, such as the need to forgive, appreciate what one has and be ready for new experiences.


It is thought that finding hair in one’s food could symbolize a feeling of perfectionism.

Perfectionism can stem from the need to believe that the outcome has to be perfect to gain approval; it may also signify fear or discomfort with making mistakes that were not expected.

This fear or discomfort could be related to being judged or criticized by others.

Needing To Forgive

Finding hair in one’s food could also signify the need to forgive someone or oneself for something. Forgiveness takes time and effort, but it is essential for emotional healing and growth.

Taking the time to forgive can help alleviate anger and resentment towards others or oneself.

Appreciate What You Have

Finding hair in one’s food can also be a sign from the universe encouraging one to appreciate what they have instead of complaining about what they don’t have.

When we take time out of our day-to-day activities and start a practice of gratitude, such as writing down three things, we are thankful for each day; we start resonating with more positive energy instead of focusing on what we don’t have or feel is lacking in our lives.

Need To Control Anger

Many people struggle with anger management issues, where finding hair in your food comes into play, spiritually speaking.

If you constantly feel angry, chances are you need spiritual guidance when controlling those emotions.

Finding hair in your food could provide a reminder that sometimes taking deep breaths before reacting to certain situations is necessary, as opposed to lashing out at people around us due to misunderstanding or lack of understanding of their situation, as well as our own needs being overlooked and ignored.

Ready For New Experiences

Finding hairs in your food may also signify that you are ready for new experiences and are willing to accept change into your life, whether professionally or personally if it helps propel progress towards achieving goals set forth by yourself or another person(s).

We all grow spiritually when we begin accepting new challenges into our lives while always striving forward, even through difficult times, knowing that every step along its path will help lead towards greatness, eventually coming full circle back to its origin point once again, completing yet another roundtrip journey within self-discovery mode set forth by its own higher power residing inside.

This can make for some exciting times ahead!

There Is Something Hidden

Lastly, finding hairs in your food could mean there is something hidden—something beneath the surface that needs attention from us or a situation requiring an answer but isn’t visible due to its nature being deeply hidden under layers of past behaviors, events, memories, and other things accumulated over long periods thus far traveled throughout this current lifetime lived up until now—all building towards future potentials yet still left unknown.

Even though steps are taken throughout this process to guide each person forward step by step, continuing onward regardless.

Letting Go of Your Ego

Finding hair in your food could symbolize a need to let go of your ego or the part of yourself that feels like you have to be in control all the time.

By letting go of your ego, you can be more open to life’s surprises and receive help from other sources without feeling too dependent on them.

It can also allow space for self-growth and reflection, a crucial step in spiritual development.

Mindful Eating

When finding hair in your food, it is important to practice mindful eating.

Mindful eating means being present while consuming food and not allowing negative thoughts to distract us, allowing us to fully savor our experience and appreciate what we have been given as a reward for our efforts.


Another spiritual meaning behind finding hair in one’s food could be related to detoxification.

This can come from physical, emotional, or psychological detoxification, indicating we need to take the preventive steps needed to maintain our health and well-being, such as supplementing with vitamins or engaging in activities that will raise our vibration levels naturally throughout each day.


Finding hair in our food can be a shocking and unpleasant experience, but it may also have a spiritual meaning.

The spiritual meaning could suggest that we need to forgive, control our anger, appreciate what we have, let go of our egos and practice mindful eating.

It is important to remember that this interpretation is only one possible aspect, and the only way to determine your spiritual message from the universe truly is to self-reflect and find out what resonates with you.


Q: What is the importance of letting go of my ego?

A: Letting go of your ego allows you to be more open to life’s surprises and helps create space for self-growth and reflection, which are crucial steps in spiritual development.

Q: How can I practice mindful eating?

A: Mindful eating means being present when consuming food and not allowing ourselves to become distracted by negative thoughts, thus allowing us to fully savor our experience and appreciate what we have been given as a reward for our efforts.

Q: How will taking preventative steps benefit my health and well-being?

A: Taking preventative steps such as supplementing with vitamins or engaging in activities that naturally raise our vibration levels throughout each day can help detoxify us physically, emotionally, and psychologically to maintain long-term health and well-being.

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