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Writer: Priscilla GriffinPriscilla Griffin

Your vibrational frequency is essentially your spiritual state. More specifically, it is a measure of your consciousness level and describes the dominant thoughts, moods, and values in your mind.

However, measuring vibrational frequency is difficult to do accurately due to ego bias.

You can get an idea of your vibrational frequency on your own through meditative contemplation, but finding someone with experience in the area will get you a more accurate reading.

What Is Vibrational Frequency?

Vibrational frequency is a measure of the energy in your system.

Everything is made up of energy, and types of energy are grouped by how quickly they vibrate or oscillate.

The average level at which your energy vibrates is what we call your vibrational frequency.

Ideas, thoughts, and emotions all have specific vibrational frequencies, and the more desirable ones have higher frequencies than the basest, undesirable ones.

Hierarchy Of Consciousness

There is a sort of hierarchy of consciousness, a ranking of the various ideas, thoughts, and emotions that can dominate our minds.

700hz+ – Enlightenment

600hz – Peace

540hz – Joy

500hz – Love

400hz – Reason

350hz – Acceptance

310hz – Willingness

250hz – Neutrality

200hz – Courage

175hz – Pride

150hz – Anger

125hz – Desire

100hz – Fear

75hz – Grief

50hz – Apathy

30hz – Guilt

20hz – Shame

If your vibrational frequency is high, then this is because your mind and soul embody emotions higher up this list.

If it is low, then this is because you are falling victim to negative emotions at the bottom of this list.

The numbers are hertz frequencies, which measure how many vibrations happen every second.

Measuring Your Vibrational Frequency

You can measure your own vibrational frequency, but it is a challenging process that requires complete honesty with yourself.

Meditate on your dominant emotions. Allow yourself to feel how you feel without judgment, making a mental note of the emotions that occur, and how strongly you feel them.

Find your dominant emotion on the chart above, which is your rough vibrational frequency.

The more time you spend contemplating, the closer to the real number you will get. But to be honest, measuring your own vibrational frequency is never going to be accurate.

Ego Bias Prevents Self Measuring

The problem lies in ego bias, which is the tendency for people to inflate their own score simply because their ego wants their vibrational frequency to be higher.

Unless you have surpassed ego, self-measuring your vibrational frequency is going to be inaccurate.

The opposite can occur too. Poor self-esteem usually results in low vibrational frequency, but it also causes people to underestimate their frequency even further.

That’s why, if you care about getting accurate vibrational frequency readings, there is no substitute for an experienced practitioner.

A word of caution: it can be tempting to tie a lot of your self-worth to this number, the same way many do with social media.

But it is not the absolute number that matters the most; it is the direction it is moving in.

Spiritual Frequencies And Vibrations

Your vibrational frequency is the speed at which your soul resonates with the energies of the Universe.

It is a measure of how attuned you are to your higher self and how connected you are to the Divine.

The highest vibrational frequency is enlightenment. When you vibrate at this frequency, you align with your true nature and highest purpose.

There are many factors that contribute to your vibrational frequency, including your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and actions.

You can raise your vibration by choosing to think positive thoughts, feel positive emotions, and live in accordance with your highest values.

The more you align with your true self, the higher your vibration will be.

The vibrational frequencies of different emotions have been well-documented by Dr. David R. Hawkins in his book Power vs. Force.

Hawkins states love, joy, and peace are the highest vibrating emotions, while fear, anger, and hatred are the lowest.

How To Measure Your Vibrational Frequency

There are a number of ways to increase your vibrational frequency, but there are no known ways to measure your exact vibrational frequency.

However, some methods can give you a general idea of where you fall on the scale.

Start a journal and take an emotional poll. Enter up to 10 times a day, how you feel.

Document the Hertz associated with each feeling you have and you will start to see a pattern over time.

Or for a quick instant check, simply ask yourself how you feel right now, and then rate your emotions on a scale from 1-10.

1 being the lowest vibrational state, and 10 being the highest.

If you are feeling mostly positive emotions, you will likely vibrate at a higher frequency.

If you are feeling mostly negative emotions, you will likely vibrate at a lower frequency.

To increase your vibrational frequency, simply focus on raising your emotional state.

However, there are some tools and techniques that can help you to do this more effectively.

One popular method is using a tool called the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

EFT was developed to help us understand and overcome our problems.

It does so by tapping on the supposed pathways through which energy is believed to travel in the body (meridian points) to unblock obstructions.

EFT is said to work by helping us to access our higher selves, which vibrate at a higher frequency than our lower selves.

When we tap on the meridian points, we are said to be aligning our lower selves with our higher selves and thus raising our vibration.


Q: What is vibrational frequency?

A: Vibrational frequency is the rate at which an object vibrates. The higher the frequency, the faster the vibration.

For us human beings, our vibrational frequency is determined by our thoughts, emotions, and actions.

The more positive our thoughts and emotions are, and the more loving our actions are, the higher our vibrational frequency will be.

Q: How can I measure my own vibrational frequency?

A: No definitive scientific test can accurately measure an individual’s vibrational frequency.

However, there are a few ways to get a general idea of your vibrational level.

One way is to simply ask yourself how you’re feeling. If you’re feeling good, happy, and peaceful, then your vibration is likely on the higher end of the scale.

If you’re angry, frustrated, or anxious, your vibration is likely on the lower end of the scale.

Another way to get a general idea of your vibrational frequency is to look at your life circumstances.

If your life is generally happy and fulfilling, with little stress or drama, then your vibration is likely on the higher end of the scale.

On the other hand, if your life is filled with chaos and drama, then your vibration is likely on the lower end of the scale.

Q: What is the hierarchy of consciousness?

A: The hierarchy of consciousness is a scale that ranks different levels of awareness.

The lowest level is shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger, pride, courage, neutrality, acceptance, reason, love, and finally, enlightenment.

The hierarchy of consciousness is often used to measure an individual’s vibrational frequency.

The higher someone’s vibration is on the scale, the more enlightened they are.

The highest level is enlightenment, which is focused on connecting with the Divine and experiencing true bliss.

Q: What do the numbers associated with each emotion on the hierarchy of consciousness represent?

A: The numbers associated with each emotion on the hierarchy of consciousness represent the vibrational frequency of that emotion.

The higher the number, the higher the vibrational frequency.

So, for example, love has a vibrational frequency of 500, while shame has a vibrational frequency of 20.

Q: How can I use this information to improve my life?

A: There are a few ways that you can use this information to improve your life.

First, you can be more mindful of your thoughts and emotions and work on keeping them as positive as possible.

This will help raise your vibrational frequency and move you up the hierarchy of consciousness.

Second, you can take action to improve your life circumstances.

If your life is full of stress and drama, take steps to simplify and declutter it.

This will help lower your stress levels and make it easier for you to focus on the positive.

Third, you can work on connecting with the Divine. This could involve meditation, prayer, or any other spiritual practice that resonates with you.

This will help to raise your vibrational frequency and bring you closer to enlightenment.

Q: What should I be aware of when interpreting my vibrational frequency reading?

A: When interpreting your vibrational frequency reading, it’s important to keep in mind that there is no definitive right or wrong answer.

What matters most is how you feel about yourself and your life.

If you’re generally happy and fulfilled, then your vibration is likely on the higher end of the scale.

On the other hand, if you’re constantly stressed and unhappy, then your vibration is likely on the lower end of the scale.

The most important thing is to use this information as a guide to help you improve your life.

If you’re unhappy with your current situation, take steps to change it.

And if you’re already happy with your life, work on maintaining your positive vibration by being mindful of your thoughts and emotions.

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